Friday, 27 March 2015


I  really do not find how to start, this becomes best experience ever!
In this lesson, of the TPACK Model i consulted because  at first I could not find how to begin and interpreting the TPACK model as a way of understanding the relationship between Content, Pedagogy and Technology was very difficult for me. Guess what? i was saved by one Member Ms. Okullo Nellie who actually found me in very far negative and brought light. i confessed that i could not understand what really TPACK Model was.

I have tried to take my lesson plan a head to implementation  briefly and more so for the start i took my trainees to the computer lab and we had a nice time. learners were able to interact with the soft ware and next time we have to attach the online version so that they can ask questions and get instant feed back.
The below video shows what exactly happened in the class and some of the testimonies from the trainees that attended.
we started using the conventional drawing boards, this is what is examinable in Uganda  as of now and i wished to bring to life how a pipe can be made with computer and they discovered a lot. I finally found out that they can now imagine how a bend is made and what actually is calculated to come up with  a drawing.
Thank you Ms. Nellie for your encouragement and i will come once more for you have the will to share.
In the process i learnt how to edit a video having many patches of scripts and add them to make a video. so what you see is too much raw however my best because it becomes my first video to edit.  I have much hope that trainees can really benefit if we blend technology into learning  and i have learnt that boring teachers are those that only stick to one methodology, because after the lesson trainees were asking  when shall they come back and were not willing to leave the computer yet it was time to leave.
My challenge was that the soft ware i used only worked on different  IP address and all the computers were interconnected to i was unable to install on all, this brought some congestion but in all i got through. I will try exploring alternatives otherwise am very mush inspired.

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