Tuesday, 17 March 2015


Teachers are the fundamental part and the basic determiner of the education since they are responsible for shaping the students life styles, their attitudes, their beliefs and development of creativity (Ataünal, 2000) and problem solving ability.

Creativity is ability that the teachers should have. While dealing with challenge situations, problems, teachers should provide creative solution strategies and have the ability of creativity. The teachers can solve the problems with the help of the ability of creativity. Roberts (2003) defined creativity as forming new information benefiting from available information. This forming new information can happen in process. In this process, people use actively previous knowledge, ability, habits, knowledge related to theory and practice (Bartzer, 2001). Moreover, creative thinking is a dynamic process including mental activities happening in subconscious while they are aware of the happenings. Moreover, the teachers are important factors to discover the creativity ability of the students. In addition, problem solving and creativity is directly connected to abilities. This connection can be exemplified four steps of creativity identified by Guilford; identifying the problem, forming various beneficial information, assessing this information and forming a schema including beneficial solution strategies (Cropley, 2001).

The evocative detail description of Samantha's life puts teachers to task why students excel in one subject and fail in the other.  why some learners drop out of school, is it true then that some of them do not understand what teachers do in class and develop frustration?

In her ordeal, the math teacher failed to identify learners challenges(samantha) and comfortably looked interested at fast learners (Elizabeth). I feel that the teacher's methodology never allowed participation and involvement of learners  the lack of team work that left Samantha terrorized and helpless. This is evidenced by "i" in very sentence this girl remembered to write .
In her second story, Samantha seems to be keen and very much acquainted with whatever happened because she was physically involved. I sense Heather providing alternatives and the group was there to decide on which ever they were to employ. Her second story reveals that there was material as needed and they only contributed ideas to move forward as a team this is seen as "we, "our"
The conclusion remarks of this girl indicates that all learners are always happy with the results they find by their own and jubilate for having found useful findings.

what then is the relation ship between the creativity and constructivism approaches in learning?

Constructivist Learning Theory has provided us with evidence that students learn the best through hands on "real life" experience. If this finds the teacher open minded uses creativity to build confidence in the learners.
Creativity, inventiveness, and innovation all play a role in Constructivism

To understand is to discover, or reconstruct by rediscovery, and such conditions must be complied with if in the future individuals are to be formed who are capable of production and creativity and not simply repetition," (Piaget, 1973). Creativity is a facet in Constructivism, in that constructivists frequently view conventional pedagogy as passive teaching, because learners are furnished with previously created materials, such as textbooks, which limits the amount of creativity learners are able to contribute themselves (Levine, 2005).

Constructivists desire learners to be creative, original in their composition, with the encouragement of self-derived rules and norms for their creativity, thus leading to inventiveness. Constructivists also desire learners to demonstrate their creativity through outlets such as clubs and service projects. Constructivists favor using inventive ways of self-exploration in learning. Students are involved in drawing their own conclusions by means of creative experimentation. The constructionist teacher becomes a facilitator of learning in the classroom and instead of teaching "at" students, they assist learners with understanding with a hands-on approach ("Constructionism", 2008).

According to Constructivist, treating all students the same has inhibited true learning. Treating students as individuals and allowing them to create situations that are meaningful to their particular style of learning will increase student motivation and allow each learner to gain information and experience that is meaningful to them (Danzi et al. (2008); McMahon 1997).  which actually lacked from the Samantha"s math teacher. Innovative resources like technology can be used by educators to not only challenge students, but themselves 
(Hyslop-Margison, 2004). Using Constructivist Learning theory will help educators to become more creative in their teaching and allow students to take a more social and active approach toward learning.

However many teachers have a wide range of abilities in their classroom and are expected to meet all needs in the face of standardized testing and, in some cases, with very little support from higher authorities including government.Students who are not having their needs meet in the classroom become unmotivated and disinterested in learning which cause problems in the classroom environment and for the instructor.

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