Saturday, 28 March 2015


This lesson invited us to scrutinize the idea of flipped classroom in light of the concepts that were dealt with earlier like constructivism and TPACK models, and introduced us to  the blended learning concept of the Flipped Classroom.
I understood The flipped classroom as a pedagogical model in which the typical lecture and homework elements of a course are reversed. Short video lectures are viewed by students at home before the class session, while in-class time is devoted to exercises, projects, or discussions.

The flipped classroom indicates a drift from the traditional methods of delivery that were too much conventional. including the teacher in front of trainees for every class session. In the collaboration we debated about the importance of  teachers and classrooms in total existence and i was a hot debate. Since we need to change the learning to trainee centered and self motivating to the learner, i learnt that the flipped classroom engages the learner much more than having 40 trainees in a single class for every day schedule.

In the flipped classroom, students prepare to participate in class activities by collaborating on line and exploring very many on line resources as may be given by the teacher.I have learnt that this stage does not really need to be in class. learners can get much on line and use all the on line tools to get the concepts.
Then these trainees meet in class to discuss, do exercise and projects. Then they check their understanding together with the teacher whose role here is basically to facilitate.

In the process, the integration of ICT is observed as high and necessary enough for take home assignments and in collaboration.
I have learnt that as a teacher i have to convert my lesson notes into video format that the learners can watch at home and or interact, most importantly here the parents whose culture is to take their kids through home work will watch the video and this carries much more meaning and will provide the necessary guide through replaying. while this is better than the teacher in class whose audio some times gets deteriorating as the day goes by.

I realize that flipped classroom leads to four kinds of knowledge. These can be concrete experimentation of the learners, on divergent issues after which they make reflective observations. through collaborative groups they converge and make active experimentation 
this really keeps the learner engaged and on track. He/she feels is responsible for the results and they take on leadership role of the search for knowledge.
i was inspired by this class model and i have much hope we can have it in Uganda. 
 we were finally taken through making flipped lesson plans  for our classes and i realized that the class face book account ( that i had opened earlier at the end of professional learning network course would help me to post the questions i have been and they also ask questions individually and this would promote individual attention to all the learners. 
Here they can still collaborate on line. 
i was a nice experience.
Niwamanya Gilbert
+256 774 22 88 71
Instructor- Nakawa Vocational Training Institute-Uganda

Friday, 27 March 2015


I  really do not find how to start, this becomes best experience ever!
In this lesson, of the TPACK Model i consulted because  at first I could not find how to begin and interpreting the TPACK model as a way of understanding the relationship between Content, Pedagogy and Technology was very difficult for me. Guess what? i was saved by one Member Ms. Okullo Nellie who actually found me in very far negative and brought light. i confessed that i could not understand what really TPACK Model was.

I have tried to take my lesson plan a head to implementation  briefly and more so for the start i took my trainees to the computer lab and we had a nice time. learners were able to interact with the soft ware and next time we have to attach the online version so that they can ask questions and get instant feed back.
The below video shows what exactly happened in the class and some of the testimonies from the trainees that attended.
we started using the conventional drawing boards, this is what is examinable in Uganda  as of now and i wished to bring to life how a pipe can be made with computer and they discovered a lot. I finally found out that they can now imagine how a bend is made and what actually is calculated to come up with  a drawing.
Thank you Ms. Nellie for your encouragement and i will come once more for you have the will to share.
In the process i learnt how to edit a video having many patches of scripts and add them to make a video. so what you see is too much raw however my best because it becomes my first video to edit.  I have much hope that trainees can really benefit if we blend technology into learning  and i have learnt that boring teachers are those that only stick to one methodology, because after the lesson trainees were asking  when shall they come back and were not willing to leave the computer yet it was time to leave.
My challenge was that the soft ware i used only worked on different  IP address and all the computers were interconnected to i was unable to install on all, this brought some congestion but in all i got through. I will try exploring alternatives otherwise am very mush inspired.

Tuesday, 17 March 2015


Lesson 6 -Killing creativity was of paramount importance. 
I was impressed by the experiential videos of Sir Ken Robinson and professor Chomsky on their reflections. Education and creativity are key in development of a human mind.

I was much pleased by the order and arrangement of High Tech High institution, its management towards promoting constructivism and creativity of the learners and i really feel it can be practiced at Nakawa Vocational Training Institute.

I was inspired by the reflection of Erica Mcwilliam why i need to individualize trainees and understand their individual differences.
I was deeply touched by Samantha's ordeal, i have learnt there could be many trainees in my class who just look at me and feel haunted, because they have always not succeeded in some of the subjects.
I have learnt i need to know all trainees, share their strengths and weaknesses and look forward to solve them.


Teachers are the fundamental part and the basic determiner of the education since they are responsible for shaping the students life styles, their attitudes, their beliefs and development of creativity (Ataünal, 2000) and problem solving ability.

Creativity is ability that the teachers should have. While dealing with challenge situations, problems, teachers should provide creative solution strategies and have the ability of creativity. The teachers can solve the problems with the help of the ability of creativity. Roberts (2003) defined creativity as forming new information benefiting from available information. This forming new information can happen in process. In this process, people use actively previous knowledge, ability, habits, knowledge related to theory and practice (Bartzer, 2001). Moreover, creative thinking is a dynamic process including mental activities happening in subconscious while they are aware of the happenings. Moreover, the teachers are important factors to discover the creativity ability of the students. In addition, problem solving and creativity is directly connected to abilities. This connection can be exemplified four steps of creativity identified by Guilford; identifying the problem, forming various beneficial information, assessing this information and forming a schema including beneficial solution strategies (Cropley, 2001).

The evocative detail description of Samantha's life puts teachers to task why students excel in one subject and fail in the other.  why some learners drop out of school, is it true then that some of them do not understand what teachers do in class and develop frustration?

In her ordeal, the math teacher failed to identify learners challenges(samantha) and comfortably looked interested at fast learners (Elizabeth). I feel that the teacher's methodology never allowed participation and involvement of learners  the lack of team work that left Samantha terrorized and helpless. This is evidenced by "i" in very sentence this girl remembered to write .
In her second story, Samantha seems to be keen and very much acquainted with whatever happened because she was physically involved. I sense Heather providing alternatives and the group was there to decide on which ever they were to employ. Her second story reveals that there was material as needed and they only contributed ideas to move forward as a team this is seen as "we, "our"
The conclusion remarks of this girl indicates that all learners are always happy with the results they find by their own and jubilate for having found useful findings.

what then is the relation ship between the creativity and constructivism approaches in learning?

Constructivist Learning Theory has provided us with evidence that students learn the best through hands on "real life" experience. If this finds the teacher open minded uses creativity to build confidence in the learners.
Creativity, inventiveness, and innovation all play a role in Constructivism

To understand is to discover, or reconstruct by rediscovery, and such conditions must be complied with if in the future individuals are to be formed who are capable of production and creativity and not simply repetition," (Piaget, 1973). Creativity is a facet in Constructivism, in that constructivists frequently view conventional pedagogy as passive teaching, because learners are furnished with previously created materials, such as textbooks, which limits the amount of creativity learners are able to contribute themselves (Levine, 2005).

Constructivists desire learners to be creative, original in their composition, with the encouragement of self-derived rules and norms for their creativity, thus leading to inventiveness. Constructivists also desire learners to demonstrate their creativity through outlets such as clubs and service projects. Constructivists favor using inventive ways of self-exploration in learning. Students are involved in drawing their own conclusions by means of creative experimentation. The constructionist teacher becomes a facilitator of learning in the classroom and instead of teaching "at" students, they assist learners with understanding with a hands-on approach ("Constructionism", 2008).

According to Constructivist, treating all students the same has inhibited true learning. Treating students as individuals and allowing them to create situations that are meaningful to their particular style of learning will increase student motivation and allow each learner to gain information and experience that is meaningful to them (Danzi et al. (2008); McMahon 1997).  which actually lacked from the Samantha"s math teacher. Innovative resources like technology can be used by educators to not only challenge students, but themselves 
(Hyslop-Margison, 2004). Using Constructivist Learning theory will help educators to become more creative in their teaching and allow students to take a more social and active approach toward learning.

However many teachers have a wide range of abilities in their classroom and are expected to meet all needs in the face of standardized testing and, in some cases, with very little support from higher authorities including government.Students who are not having their needs meet in the classroom become unmotivated and disinterested in learning which cause problems in the classroom environment and for the instructor.


Erica Mcwilliam in her video " the rewards of mental effort at mind and its potential 2011,
talks about the effect of over applause to learners. A quick glance at the literacy e-shift.
we as teachers are shifting from thinking before writing to thinking while/after writing.
Every other time we applause trainees of what ever little they do and have even reached the extent of publishing them in news papers, and therefore have shifting their minds from what they ought to be in future to what we want as teachers as a matter of politics and a publicity. I think i agree partly with Erica, the trainees themselves  should be happy to display their potential than us displaying their strengths whilst we some times take cover of their weaknesses.

We have always been observed protecting the trainees that do not perform very well but we should have increased the frequency of the skills acquisition to raise masterly in them. The art of practice has decreased in the teachers and therefore we should not keep on saying wonderful, fabulous and  excellent even when the trainee has given a story crammed from a text book.

The issue of boosting morale however should not be replaced with command, but we should go ahead to support them, explain to them their weaknesses. In practice each one needed to be thanked for any effort whatsoever made any time.
But teachers should not be excited looking at simple results just on calculating simple equations but also the extra mile how the learner has integrated it in real life experience.

Erica emphasizes the application of the lower levels of knowledge, synthesized to help the community and not praising them on little scores that would not give them the reason to accept change to critical thinking.
Niwamanya Gilbert
Nakawa Vocational Training Institute-Uganda.

Monday, 16 March 2015


The management of this school has adopted a constructivist approach, most of the learners have gained the zeal to work on their own, they are seen in the video testing prototypes to check whether the concept will work similar way.

The environment is so condusive for the learners and for the teachers.
the learners have enough space to test their items from and the teachers as well, more so the halls as seen in the video have the facilities like power, working tables and most importantly the material is seen to be enough  right from prototyping to real items.

As observed, the teachers are motivated to build commitment to the job they respond to give timely feed back and their collaboration between the trainees is real friendship that does not create a drift in leadership, they are facilitators just on ground to help the trainees achieve their objectives.

High tech High absolutely promotes creativity because of the how the trainees are presenting their projects and are of the same mind to produce a product.

I have much hope that this is so much "do able" at Nakawa VTI 
for example the trainees in electricity were tasked to repair the lights in machine shop. 
they have to do what ever possible to make sure the lights get on and make their group reports and recommendations.
The participation of all is the core objective and one can observe that even safety is simulated from the industries they ought to work in. they have safety shoes, safety overalls, and collaborative effort on the ladder.

I think that the approach of High Tech High can be applied here.
the trainees of electricity are wiring on board a full plan of a house and how all lights, security and electrical appliances for a typical homestead will work.
Trainees of welding in a gas welding session.

I wished to share a few features of evidence why i think that the approach could work in my institute.
some of the challenges that may hamper the success may include the increasing enrollment that has emerged as a result of government increased awareness on skills for all program and skilling Uganda and Universal secondary education.
This approach would need too much material input and retooling of instructors to think ahead and match the attitude towards the desired change.

Regarding syllabus coverage i believe they cover it because it is only matching what ever item on the syllabus to practical  hands on experience  and interpreting it into real life projects. Because they have equipment and material they can do anything with their syllabus to make sure they cove it both preparing trainee for work and exams at the same time. they surely can!!!

The use of technology in High Tech High can not at all make trainees stupid, they really think and have gained confidence to feel like they are manufacturers, initiators and innovators, when they leave the school they lead the life they want to follow and become employed there and then, they have hands on skills not theoretical. The fact remains that wherever they go they will lead and others will follow.

The role of technology in High Tech High is to compliment theory the teachers are sharing 
Technology is helping the teachers to simulate real life learning and also trainees to do  meaningful research.
In conclusion, High Tech High is observed to be giving trainees special attention bearing in mind what the industry wants as employers.

Niwamanya Gilbert
Nakawa Vocational Training Institute.

Saturday, 14 March 2015



I am so much pleased to register my achievement so far, in line with navigating new on line tools. This time the Infographics.
I should mention here that a teacher should SHOULD NEVER STOP LEARNING  at all.

I have realized that the best moment to follow and learn the new on line tool one has to be patient and get grip of many tactics amongst which the following deserve mention.

Firstly, i JOINED the piktochart and started reading all the information on the site, i saw it was too much to consume  but sailed through.

I also FOLLOWED some of existing users and found their work was interesting. these included LYNNE SUNDERLAND, Mellisa Goodner, among others, their pages they had pinned were so much interesting. I browsed more on line through the infographic sites for instruction and got the confidence to start mine.

I also tried to author mine after navigating through some existing pages as i read instructions on the piktchart site.

In the  process, i tried to simulate constructivism approach to my class and i observed that learners are more enjoying once they facilitate their learning.

 I started with my Engineering mathematics class, this class is comprised of trainees of motor vehicle course, auto electrical course, machining and fitting course and welding fabrication course. 
I introduced the lesson and later made groups of four learners, they all got answers both wrong and right and were to nominate leaders to go and present on chalk board just as you can see a lady presenting in the side photo.
It was so interactive and cool, they explain to them selves why they have different answers and finally conclude with the right one. 
in connection with above the teachers from the departments mentioned all attend and we share facilitation and arrangement of the learning environment, i have learnt that ;
Robert John Meehan was very right to give the pinned statement aside. Teachers need teachers to do well.

I was so keen to learn whether the Socrates' approach would help me in a Vocational Training setup most especially practical classes, 
I arranged questions as i went to handle introduction to Gas welding, and the results were encouraging.

I would pin the question on the board and then circulate the papers whoever got the answer could write it down and proceed and pin it under the question and by so doing learners had different ideas pinned and in the recap will agreed on the right answers, it was fun and so much interesting.
 I picked it and put on an apron and observed that many trainees started writing when they saw what i put on. 
trainees pinning their answers on the board.

I learnt from the infograhic site above that the nine events of instruction are very vital in selection of the questions and management of the answers from the learners.I learnt that i have to keep the questions towards the objective of the lesson, feedback  to learners and how to enhance retention and transfer when we are going to start actual gas welding.
I would  be humbly right to conclude that infographic can match Socrates model while in practicals. 

Recapitulating the main ideas of the lesson, infograhic was so much interesting test for me i managed to start mine from scratch using the guides on line and came up with

Lastly i was very much happy to send the link to my tutor and have much hope that i will keep exploring until i make the best one and look forward to use them in training.

Saturday, 7 March 2015


PROGRESSIVE EDUCATION AS RELATES TO PEDAGOGY Emphasizes  on learning by doing – hands-on projects, expeditionary learning, experiential learning lays strong emphasis on problem solving and  critical thinking advocates for the integration of community service and service learning projects into the daily curriculum, emphasis on lifelong learning and social skills, assessment by evaluation of child’s projects and productions to mention but a few.

whereas a teacher continues to grow as an individual and as a professional, he/she gathers a lot of experience both from the surrounding including other teachers, challenges faced as well as good experiences in the process.

As an instructor many factors led me to progressive approach.
 I Vocational training centers there is an increasing number of trainees every other year, and here we train on very expensive machines, to be able to train very well, i opted to train in groups however that time i did not define it as progressive i mean i was doing it to solve some problem. I now realize that group work is not only to solve a problem but to step up collaboration and steer sharing of ideas amongst trainees.

I Started to demonstrate to them how to do some of the skills like cutting with hack saws, filing, use of a power thread cutting machine and many others and set them for practice i think Japanese culture of delivering skills and knowledge but i was doing it for the sake of my lesson plan, i have been empowered to give learners chance to explore their potential, as regards discovery and it is not about finishing my scheme of work, but is much about what has the learner learnt what he or she is able to do.
I have been training projects for both examination and for exhibits but really have not been so much kin about the level of masterly of the skills involved.
i now have learnt that the trainees need to work together, experiment and finally come up with the quality projects, recapitulations of all the steps involved and their challenges they faced and a matter of thinking critically to the real life experience.

i have been i think a surprised teacher using some approach i did not feel it exists. more challenging have been using power point presentations, which i have learnt that this makes the trainees rather passive, and have been using some videos however occasionally and to upper classes like advanced classes. i have learnt that the biggest enemy to learning is a talking teacher and i look forward to create such an experience where learners are exposed to resourceful online tools like educational blogs and educational youtube channels.

Lesson of sharing experience has taught me to prepare a good background for the trainees because if i teach them the same way every other year i would be robbing them of the future whose technology is at a fast track.

Tuesday, 3 March 2015


It is evident that the use of ICT in vocational training instruction is of paramount importance in assisting instructors in content curation, and demonstrates that teacher professional development now a days is zeroed to ICT and use of online tools like blogs and other platforms.

Different Pedagogical methods put across help the instructor to facilitate well and become a motivator in the classroom and workshop.

I was introduced to the constructivism theory and i found it interesting. If an instructor possesses the constructibility skills he or she is a good instructor.

I have been able to realize that Trainees explore their potential to discover great ideas and by so doing learn and become facilitators of themselves.  The instructor is there to provide condusive environment and the necessary guidance and a share a set of guidelines to achieve a certain project. I have realized that the learners are actively involved in searching for the meaning and not being informed every time by their instructor.

I have learnt that there is a shared decision making of the way forward, and the learners are empowered with the skills to search for new ideas.

I have a feeling that i have been getting much tired in trying to push to finish a number of slides with out minding about its meaning to the learners. I have found this rather parallel to constructivism theory and have changed immediately. I have been preparing what to delivery in a period of 2 hours and this must be completed whether they are getting it all or bits. i have learnt that the learners need time to sort out the ideas as a matter of sharing, discussions and then drawing conclusions by them selves.

However this is still being challenged by the increased enrollment and rigid curriculum and so i have seen to some extent will need remedial lessons to complete the work.

Am greatly touched by constructivism approach and is so much better off than most of the traditional methods. however it needs a constant supply of training inputs by the administrators if the trainees are to learn from their  own mistakes.

On the other development constructivism makes great  future leaders  just as they express them selves at this stage!!!!

i just leave the class room now asking my self have they learnt any thing?