Thursday, 27 November 2014


…Content curation, a process of sorting through a vast amount of content on the web and presenting it in a meaningful and organized way around a specific theme.  It involves…
As a curator, I have learnt that other than being a content consumer, I now know how to select the best content; I can make a decision on what to take and what fits to my classroom setting, I can add in some content to enrich my presentation, and am now the one to decide the mode of presentation.
 Only what is relevant for a particular group will be selected and annotated to suit that particular group. I have also learnt that I have to use much more reference information and make sense out of it and then share what utmost suits the class.
I feel confident of being a content curator because, I believe in a changing technology, and therefore need to keep the eye at the fore front towards getting the current trend of technology, consult necessary sites and resource managers to harness the potential of ICT in my engineering trade. I feel ready to integrate this skill in my profession and have the faith that It will improve my training delivery to an extended period of service in vocational training.
Organizing and sharing of resources is of great value to me because it actually abides by quality content, accurate details of reference and such information is useful and can be easily referred to and by so doing it boosts professional learning. The skill of searching, “screening” and sharing of content that is needed is highly desired and is of great value. I cherish content curation because it will enable me stay informed of the field am in.
This is the best tool to pass on valuable information to a very big network because it does more of visualizing the page instead of only saving links which can be mistaken; this guides the readers that may be of little competence in searching for data.
I recommend content curation as the best mode and would like all readers out there to open accounts with pinterest.
The only challenge i found was that there is too much content that can not be read at a time i need to take time to analyse the sites i pinned.

Prepared by
Gilbert Niwamanya
Happy blogging.

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