Saturday, 21 February 2015


As defined by Marilyn M. Lombardi, authentic learning typically focuses on real world, complex problems and their solutions, using role play exercises, problem based activities, case studies and participation in virtual communities of practice. In vocational training instruction, this is basically holding training. In my own view i have been using it in the following ways. To begin with, i prepare the problem/ question and its terminal performance objective, with GIVEN,WHAT,WHO,WHEN,AND HOW, and then set the enabling objectives that will guide the learners to  follow procedure. in most cases i first make a model so this is a product very similar to what is needed in the market, or what shall be done exactly when we reach at site. this may not necessarily be final but just a guide to final out put. this is just for safety purposes and avoiding wastage of materials. So the trainees now share the conditions of what is given, and then begin to work. they make themselves judgement and feel whether the product is good or misses some skills, and upon their rating, they request to redo the exercise because its upon masterly of the skills not who has finished first. All the above i call it guided practice. the next lessons after the skills have been mastered. then i give them problems and the they guide them selves without my help and procedure, this i call independent practice, they search for the correct procedures and collaborate to make sure they finished in the time that has been allocated for the task. they note down the hard steps and these we review in the beginning of the next session. Finally when they go for industrial training a team is selected to follow them and find out whether they are performing well, so feed back is got from site managers and immediate foremen of what skills are lacking and then these will be emphasized in the second year.


 This is exactly what is used in the world of work so i normally scale it down to save material.
the trainees are supposed to develop lay out as below and confirm dimensions before bending, the lock has also been specified as Pittsburgh and this standard, they have to share knowledge about tools to use and correct procedure.
the product as seen above is giving them idea initially what is their out come and this is not for independent practice. on independent practice i take my self as a customer and only give them a drawing and they are to make the product without sample.
Experience shows that the slow learners are performing better in real life learning, because they take time to start  and are mindful of their steps.
This is because they take their decisions comfortably and start the process, the fast learners always confuse steps and they want to finish quickly by so doing mix procedure, i always try to cool them down because they tend to put my slow learners on pressure.
so i always keep an eye on them to share the ideas with the slow learners so that we arrive at the product at the same time and as a group.

However these efforts are limited by materials and an increasing number of trainees from high school.


  1. Excellent illustration of school being like life itself.

  2. thank you tutor. i wish you got time to visit Nakawa VTI
